Srote - April 2016
1. Artificial sperm have been made in a laboratory
2. Evolution of two species from one fish has been observed
3. A parasite on the brink of extinction
4. Guinea Worm Disease is on its way out by Arvind Gupte
5. Finally, gravitational waves have been detected by Dr. Sushil Joshi
6. Indian science and gravitational waves by Dr. D. Balasubramanian
7. False confessions brought on by lack of sleep
8. The treatment of malaria with garlic oil
9. Innovation and the market for malarial drugs
10. Microbes protect us from malaria as well!
11. The declining importance of education by Dr. Rampratap Gupta
12. The center for very accurate time and the atomic clock by Narendra Devangan
13. Bacteria that help in preparing for hibernation
14. The death of street dogs is often human-influenced
15. The mysterious deaths of monkeys in Nicaragua
16. Does talcum powder cause cancer? by Mahesh Parimal
17. Efforts to save the environment with green-building by Manish Vaidya
18. The debate on gene editing by Dr. D. Balasubramanian
19. The control of TB with sulphur dioxide by Dr. O.P. Joshi
20. The story of the discovery of platinum by Dr. Vijay Kumar Upadhayay
21. The discovery of a new plant species in the Western Ghats
22. Microbes and the harm caused to liver by alcohol
23. Worms that don't need food!
24. Why is 28th February 'National Science Day'? by Chakresh Jain
25. Stomach cells make insulin
26. The seasonal rates of photosynthesis
27. China's advances in renewable energy
28. Large trees under risk by Narendra Devangan
29. Crossword