Srote - August 2015
1. Four dangers of a cashless society
2. Escaped death but became ill
3. The world's first climate change lawsuit
4. Google's important decision about indecent photographs
5. Unparalleled techniques will change life by Sandhya Roy Choudhary
6. Males and females experience pain differently
7. Aquatic spider makes a bell-shaped web by Sandhya Roy Choudhary
8. Tracing the bone and the marrow through the fruitfly by Dr. D. Balasubramanian
9. Smart pills and the meaning of life
10. Don't label unemployment as a mental illness
11. Cuba first to eliminate mother to child AIDS transmission
12. Environmental awareness improves surroundings
13. Warming Indian Ocean weakens the monsoon
14. 3-D printing, a manufacturing technique by Bhaswar Lochan
15. One billion of the world's people will become deaf! by Dr. Mahesh Parimal
16. Some interesting facts about Pluto's moon
17. How were multi-cellular organisms made?
18. Opening up the larynx with the help of light
19. Unique eye of a unicellular animal
20. Cleanliness campaign versus the production of garbage by Dr. Rampratap Gupta
21. Nutrition scientists: unsung heroes by Dr. D. Balasubramanian
22. Mahseer, the mountain-climbing fish by Narendra Devangan
23. The crocodile lineage is an ancient one by Dr. Arvind Gupte
24. Loyal friends of humans are in peril by Bharat Dogra
25. Why are some of us left-handed? by Dr. D. Balasubramanian
26. Snail's demise suggests that a mass extinction is going on
27. Crossword
28. Back cover