Srote - September 2015
1. An easy method for removing arsenic from rice
2. Testing milk for adulterants
3. Low on energy? Take the help of enzymes
4. Third-hand smoke too is harmful by Dr. Arvind Gupte
5. Every person's Kalam by Dr. Navneet Kumar Gupta
6. Paleontologists can bring the past back to life by Bimal Shrivastav
7. American vs Indian corn by Dr. Kishore Pawar
8. Atomic energy: China is getting ahead
9. The debate about lead is renewed by Madhav Gadgil
10. High- yielding crops are on their way by Dr. Arvind Gupte
11. Narmada will become pollution-free with green-bridge technology by Manish Vaidya
12. Child nutrition in India improves
13. Old-age protein causes memory loss
14. Genetically modified muscular pigs
15. Tools of the bonobo are similar to Stone Age tools
16. AIDS virus-free for twelve years now
17. The scientific name of Acacia nilotica (babool) changed by Dr. Kishore Pawar
18. Farming and the conservation of traditional seeds by Bharat Dogra
19. Story of the discovery of radon by Dr. Vijay Kumar Upadhyay
20. Miniature artificial beating hearts
21. Indian markets flooded with drug combinations
22. Performance boosting drugs in sports
23. The dangers of smart cities
24. Normal versus caesarian deliveries
25. AIDS vaccine scientist is sentenced to prison
26. Do our eyes see objects in dreams?
27. Treatment of bone loss using an extract from Dalbergiasissoo
28. Two fishes, one that angles and another that steals
29. Crossword
30. Back cover