Sandarbh - Issue 33 (August-September 2000)
Children and War by Shubhda Joshi [Hindi PDF, 466 kB]
- Aerial Flowers Versus Underground Flowers by Vinu Kaul, A. K. Kaul and M. C. Sharma [Hindi PDF, 561 kB]
- Hard Water – Not Just A Foam Problem by Sushil Joshi [Hindi PDF, 672 kB]
- The Relationship Of Circumference With Radius by Jui Dadhich Translated by Tejshri Gupte [Hindi PDF, 960 kB]
- What A Beautiful Gait by Mukesh Ingley [Hindi PDF, 983 kB]
- Zara Sir To Khujlaiye – Balloon Moves Forwards... [Hindi PDF, 400 kB]
- The Rise Of Islam And The Bengal Frontier by Richard Itan Translated and Adapated by Rameshchandra Bargale and Gautam Pandey [Hindi PDF, 1.14 kB]
- Different Units For Measurement by Ramkrishana Bhattacharya Translated by Sushil Joshi [Hindi PDF, 496 kB]
- The Seed That Sprouted After Ten Thousand Years [Hindi PDF, 187 kB]